World Cup Time - Let the Games Begin

Hey guys, hope all is well. We take off for South Africa on Wednesday, June 9th, and we want you to be part of our journey.

Some of you have been reading my occasional postings on our trip planning, but I want to give you an in-depth look on what we do, how much we spend, where we saved money, etc.

That is what the blog was intended to do, but I want to expand on our trips and get you to see our pics, see where we stay, comment on the blog and share stories about adventures to do next.

So here is your chance to come along for the ride.

Oh, and if you want to reach us....we are using a Passport SIM card which I blogged about earlier and our phone number is 011-44-7924427729. Call us if something comes up.

Pick up your bags and let's go!


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